C4D 绑定制作二维人物走路动画教程

C4D 绑定制作二维人物走路动画教程    [复制链接]

C4D教程 2016-09-22 11:01 发布

资源分类: VIP精选
教程分类: 建模/绑定 » 绑定蒙皮
渲染器: 自带标准 
教程语言: 英文
检索码: LL201710260059
Brograph Tutorial 059 - Animating 2D Characters from Illustrator in C4D using IK.jpg

Brograph Tutorial 059 - Animating 2D Characters from Illustrator in C4D using IK.jpg

Brograph Tutorial 059 - Animating 2D Characters from Illustrator in C4D using IK.jpg
这个c4d教程属于建模/绑定、绑定蒙皮分类,教程语言为英文,无工程或源文件素材,使用自带标准渲染器录制。当前资源为VIP精选素材,由本站设计师80年代的白衬衫于2016-9-22 11:01分享,学习更多cinema4d软件关于此类教程内容,可以通过本网站教程列表上方的分类信息工具进行筛选支持英文教程查询。
UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that you can set your texture tag to cubic, and then right click and select "fit to object" to save time mapping the images. I wish I had known this earlier.

In this tutorial we go over how to use illustrator files to animated 2d characters in Cinema 4D and rigging them using IK Chains.

C4D 绑定制作二维人物走路动画教程 

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